Saturday, December 17, 2011


I don't know much about much. It settled on me a little bit ago that Christmas is upon us. I want to remember what this is all about. I'd like to take time to reflect. I want it to mean something to me always. Sometimes I just let it fade from my mind. Christ was born. Commercials crowd our thoughts and we intend to keep the spirit of Christmas by getting gifts for those we love but lose sight with the stress and the money.

Or maybe it's just so it seems to me. Maybe all my people remember the reasons. I sincerely hope so. But for me, poor college student and single uncertain adult, I'm trying to find ways to more essentially, more specifically, apply the season to me.

So. I want to try with my attitude. I'm gonna be less critical, less prideful. I'm gonna be more willing to help. I want to serve and make people smile. I want to emanate Christ. I want this season of Christmas to be me. This will be my season of Christ. And I think I can sustain that change. It won't end with Christmas. That'll be my Christmas gift this year.

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