I feel like i'm a smart cat, got some good pointers, can tell you all about all sorts of things. The point is I've learned some lessons and I like to share them. I remember when i was 16, we'd sit in the hot tub and I'd give him all sorts of advice. I told him all about how to treat girls (ya know, how to get them, how to keep them, awesome stories about how the ladies love me...yeah... i know...), how to make a difference in peoples lives, and doing generally good stuff. He listened. And he learned some stuff from me, though i'm proud that he only took the good stuff.
Over the next few years, he became one of my best friends. We talked about everything, especially the stuff that dudes don't normally talk about; feelings, hurts, fears, hopes, and dreams. Man, he's always made me laugh. We used to do the stupidest stuff together, stuff we thought was hilarious. Me, him, and another buddy got these hats that had a card holder on the front of them. So naturally, we made our own little sayings on note cards and slid them in there. Naturally when then got cut off flannel pearl snap button shirts to match the color of hats we bought. And yes we thought it was hilarious. We just spent out time creating memories together, things that were ri
diculous and things we could be proud of.
Together, we made a big effort to include as many people in as many things as we could.
While we thought of ourselves as pretty cool cats, it was far more important to us that people were taken care of. People needed friends, good influences, and i'll always admire that he did so much for so many people around him for them to feel included, to have a place to go, and to learn some valuable lessons while still having fun.
While we thought of ourselves as pretty cool cats, it was far more important to us that people were taken care of. People needed friends, good influences, and i'll always admire that he did so much for so many people around him for them to feel included, to have a place to go, and to learn some valuable lessons while still having fun.
Church, he made it cool to go and be active. He was never embarrassed about his testimony or for standing up for what's right, because according to him, you were a loser if you did anything else. I suppose it says something for him, that i thought i was so great and mature, but at two years younger, i felt we were equals. I know i know, that's pretty pretentious of me, but i was a teen, and the point is that it's a huge compliment from 18 year old me.
He's the type who made time, if he hadn't already scheduled his schedule around yours. For all his doing his duty, this is a kid who didn't let things get him down. I'm prone to bouts of melancholy, but he always stayed up, kept his worries from effecting the way he treated other people.
Doesn't matter what happens, som
etimes you just will always stay friends with someone... or even closer as brothers.
She was a little neurotic. Well, mostly all neurotic, but I know what was behind all that. I came into her life at a weird time, but i instantly recognized an opportunity for a place in her life. I watched her struggle, but you have to understand how much effort and diligence she put into over coming these obstacles. I've never seen someone try so hard to do what is right. Shewas incredible, focused and straight on. I couldn't believe how much her love showed through dedication.
I used to do things to try and lighten her up, make her load a little easier. I put her coat on one time when she went to the bathroom and then pranced around a bit. She wasn't that impressed but, over time, things like this (well, probably my actual serious efforts) brought some sort of mutual respect.
Time passed, we parted ways. I saw her some few months later and had a good laugh at her expense. She took it with good humor and i was surprised how endearing our conversation was. We had a few similar encounters and then set up a time to actually sit down and talk about life.
What i had missed when we first met, under all that neurosis, was a woman who was truly happy because she lived the gospel. Our ideas of fun were different (still are quite opposing), but she had a unique love for life and prioritized people and God into her life with a lovely harmony. Within that first sit down talk, i really realized that this was a very special person and someone who could make life easier on me.
Since, we've had many such talks where we discuss life, events, adventures, spirits, and heart breaks. I've gained a lot from her insights, her quiet patience, her persistence in doing what's right, and her over all empathy. She's safe yet insightful. She has the ability to talk and listen... a combo that's not always prevalent.
Motivated, hard working, spiritual, empathetic, and about as good a friend as you'd ever want. She knows who she is and where she is going. She doesn't give into temptation, she doesn't ignore promptings. She takes every opportunity to be a part of good things.
I am very surprised at this friendship but I can truly say she's one of my closest and most respected friend. Would have never of guessed it, but i'm very grateful for what the Lord has given me.
It's been so fun to read all the wonderful things about the special people in your life. I think I may have figured a few of them out. You are seriously so sweet and it's been so fun to literally see you grow up to be the amazing person you are today. The girl you marry is going to be the luckiest girl. I can't wait to meet her.
i remember those hats...awesome
I... well, thank you. Now if i can only convince a girl that that's true ;) but really, thank you.
Haha, classic stuff eh, Gee Gee?
Gay I should have a post dedicated to me ..............I hate you more than Poop corbin. We have grown apart and i feel that you dont even care.
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