I didn't even know i had one of these still.
I bet you are all super thrilled that i'm writing on this again.
And I bet you all are totally convinced that i have super awesome things going on in my life that i've been holding out on you with.
I cut concrete. Yep. I take a hand saw and i cut it. then grind it smooooth. So people don't trip.
That's what i do. And i get paid like 15 bucks an hour to do it.
I have a dream... a dream that i will cut concrete the rest of my life. That my life, subsequently, will go no where. Because this is so much more fulfilling than anything else i could be doing.
oh yeah though, this is pretty interesting in my life. I have a mission buddy who is a pretty darn talented musician. His brother is also the Killers manager. So he gets set up to record some songs in their new state of the art recording studio.
Long story short... I wrote some cheesy (super duper ultra ridiculously cheesy i'm sure my brother ryan will say. In fact, he'll listen to this and be like "Did you start crying while you wrote this? You name a little pet kitten after this?" and whatever disparagingly lame libel he can cook up (P.S. he's a boy and he cooks. who's lame now ryan? huh ryan?! yeah YOU ARE! HA)) lyrics. I wrote some cheesy lyrics... it was kinda hard with that tangential side note to actually catch what i was trying to say.
Anyway... another long story short. I wrote some lyrics. he put them to music. Killer's studio made it sound pretty darn awesome.
http://www.purevolume.com/danielreynolds and then click on 'dance with you'. And then listen. and then experience awesome.
the last like minute is just basically instrumental. There was more chorus and a bridge but no more.
There's probably more going on in my life but i'm too lazy to finish... so sorry.
You could say that you want to spend some time in Florida?
I didn't know that mission buddy was home. I remember you mentioning wanting to do some stuff with him when he got back. I'm glad that you could. I have been playing the guitar everyday...teach me to write lyrics. Florida? Are you holding out on me? Don't make me make you call me!!!
It's not that gay Corb..good job Keep it up
I didn't know you wrote songs for Jason Mraz.
You ROCK corbin!-Nena
nice lyrics Corb!
Corbin, I like the lyrics. I don't think they're too terrible cheesy, but what do I know?
you need to write in your blog again son!!!!
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