Funky fresh.
I'm a pretty witty guy. Pretty eloquent in the way of the word. I'm with Jesse McCartney when he says "put your money money money where my mouth is... mouth is... mouth is...". I try to live up to my words and be legit. because... i don't wanna be anything other then what i've been trying to be lately... and i've spent way too long checkin my tongue in the mirror and bending over backwards just to try and see it clearer. So i guess my point is i'm if i'm unlegit, i must quit.
but i don't think i am.
i broke up with my girlfriend. I wasn't the first to cry but it's hard on me. harder then being broke up with. At least then i can have bitterness and resentment (i'm the king of slander... but just kidding).
i've paused my typing right now so i can put on some music... well after i type the words "i'm awesome" i'll stop typing.
I'm Awesome!
The Postal Service makes me feel good.
Doing hard things is against my personal philosophy. but sometimes i have to let that go and just do what's best... even if i've caused the problem in the first place
which i never do... ha... ya know... because i don't make stupid choi....
yeah, so i have my fair share. I'm more like an abstract art sort of decision maker. Nobody really knows what or why, but they are too kind to judge.
That doesn't mean I've reached A-Hole status. Back story anyone?
My brother basically told me that. and by basically i mean totally and vey pointedly a modicum of remorse. Head hanging, i took it like a jury to a very persuasve defense attorney. (Catching the paralell?) (was that side comment really necessary?)(I'm awesome?)(today is National Woman Road Warrior Day)
I'm okay with his assesment. and by that i mean, he's not far off base.
It goes back to the analogy i always use. Just because you say you're sorry after you slap someone doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. The sorry doesn't fix that. A bandaide doesn't heal a knife stabbing. Gay men pass AIDS on to each other. (the last one is more just to throw a jab at fags. But also, you reap what you sow... no matter if you think you are born that way).
The moral...
I didn't mean to hurt Ivory. It hurts that i did. I should have been more careful or cautious or any other number of sensible qualities. I hesitate to say lesson learned only because someone reading this will watch me until i make another mistake and promptly punch me in the face with it. But i'm working towards it.
But i'm gonna go back to trying to feel good and help others to do the same.
in that spirit, check this awesomeness out.
Seriously.... i would willingly pee my pants while laughing just to show you how funny i think this is if you would all just watch it. Promise, it's the shiz!
I'm crying inside for you, I know that it was just as hard on you. Bathtubs come with ipod docking stations and colored lights. I'm sorry that he called you A-hole status, It was maybe a little harsh. I think we should always take jabs at Gay men. I love you no matter what!-n
Nena may love you, but I don't. Just kidding. You will always be our self proclaimed "awesome" little brother. It sucks, hurts you, hurts her, hurts us and then we move on. You did the right thing, if you're not in it 100% you shouldn't let her be. We are disappointed, but love you none the less.
I am with Ryan on the A-hole thing
P.P.S That gay crack was a little harsh don't ya think?
Wipe your eyes, clean your nose and put a smile on your face-- get on with it we all support you or your decision. . . This was never about "I-can't-remember-her-name" only that if there was one thing I regret--the massive times I was a jerk to any lovely lady. I don't sweat your technique because it's the only thing you know--fast and strong--for the kill, but to say you came up with it (or it doesn't run in the family) is like saying you created sliced bread--don't think so. You'll find your soul-mate, I just hope she isn't like you. Your enough. Be wise. Oh and write large enough so we can read it. Love ya little bro--your on the right path.
I've said everything that I wanted to say.......except one thing. You will have to ask me......
First, I love the Mraz ref- you are one from my own heart... Secondly, You ARE awesome... and I am sorry that you happen to have one of the most accepting families (like I do) when it comes to letting other people in... cause everyone gets hurt on the way out. We love you Corb- and glad that you can follow your gut, even though the irony is it feels like a punch in the.
I agree with ryan....we only need one corbin....not a female version of you. You know how I feel and you know I love you...but just a thought. Maybe you can't expect to find a girl that is at your level of communication....I think that is a pretty big expectation for what you consider that level to be. You said it yourself.... you are "pretty eloquent in the way of words." Probably just a tad intimidating for any girl.
haha I've been at A-Hole status for years. I'm glad you've joined the ranks.
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