Tuesday, April 08, 2008

It's Been A While

I'm slogging down... i don't know if sloggin is a word and normally i would look it up to check but i just can't bring myself to care. I walked into my marriage prep class the other day... stood there for like 12 seconds... and then turned around and walked out. Just walked out because i didn't want to be there. Sigh... I get real bored.

So I have like all this stuff due... I'm really good at putting stuff off. Why do it now... when i could do it later? Doing it now may pay off in the long run... but procrastination pays off now! That's my motto.

So Tyson and I have been road warriors. We went to boise randomly the other week... just because we can and we wanted to get out of Provo. The next week we went to rexburg. I just don't like Utah it turns out. I remember always telling people that i hated Utah, even though i hadn't spent much time there.

Turns out i was right. I don't like it.

I get in the hot tub sometimes and i see some really cute girls. But I just wait... wait for it... yep there it is... weirdness. Without fail, everytime, they do something super unattractively weird. What do you do?

I go on dates. I try. It's just weird.

I leave for Vegas in two and a half weeks. I need to make some money. Debt sucks, as well as poverty.

If installing goes south, i'll sell my body. You all know i could do it.

I'm gonna go and try and find something to do. Something. Anything.

I'm so bored sometimes


Myca said...

It's about time you blogged...you are such a dork. You know you can always come back to Boise! I warned you about Utah...sucker....

mumovearls said...

I'm just worried about that picture! your riding a Unicorn... that's awkward, and wildly unattractive! I always come back and check your blog because I like reading about your super cool life... you need to post more!-I (heart) You